Saturday, 13 June 2009

blooming lovely!

It's been quite a while since my last post but, as you can see from the picture below, we've been rather busy at Site 1. After a rather shaky start, the lettuce are now well established and growing well. Potatoes are going mad, as are the onions. The beans and peas are finally starting to spread outwards and upwards. We've also planted up some cauliflower and jerusalem artichoke - which is new one for us so it will be interesting to see how they turn out.

click image for full size


  1. Hi Michelle
    Your allotment looks very productive, it looks as though you and the husband work really hard on it. I had a great harvest this evening from my allotment. We bought home, spinach, broad beans, lots of strawberries and the last of our early potatoes,(swift)and a yellow courgette, all eaten for dinner, makes it all worth while.
    all the best

  2. Thank you :) Yes, it is hard work but I find it so enjoyable that I don't really notice - apart from the aches and pains the next day if I've overdone the digging LOL! Mmm, your harvest sounds lovely.

    cheers, Michelle
